Naltar Valley is located at a distance of 40 Km from Gilgit city. It takes 2 hours to reach Naltar valley from Gilgit. Nomal village is located between Naltar and Gilgit city. Naltar Valley is located just opposite Nomal Valley. A jeep road connects Naltar Valley with Nomal village. After crossing Nomal Village you will reach Naltar Valley. Naltar Valley is a beautiful pine-forested valley. Naltar is divided in two villages: Naltar Bala and Naltar Pain. From Naltar Bala a jeep track leads to Bashkiri Lake or Naltar Lake. However, in winter this place is inaccessible due to snow. Extra trekking is needed to reach this place in winter.
The best season to visit Naltar Lakes is May to October. In summer whole Naltar Valley looks like a fairyland. The fresh and crystal clear water of Naltar streams, the green valley, and the snow-capped peaks are just amazing. So we recommend summer to visit Naltar Lake. Autumn is also best season when the colors of trees start to change. The colorful trees in Autumn make the whole valley like a dreamland.